  • Cradle Tales of Hinduism

by Sister Nivedita
(Margaret Noble)

A delightful and popular introduction to Hindu mythology. Includes selections from the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

  • 329 pages, Indian paperback
  • 81-85301-93-X
Our most popular introduction to Hindu mythology. Includes selections from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. 

These are the stories that people from India are told since childhood. The stories hold sway into adulthood as shown when a TV series on the Mahabharata and the Ramayana held the nation captive for weeks. It's a fun romp through India's greatest tales of yore.

For an interesting view of Sister Nivedita, you can watch this YouTube video of her life.


Sample Table of Contents  
The Cycle of Snake Tales
The Story of the Great God Shiva
The Cycle of Indian Wifehood
The Cycle of the Ramayana
The Cycle of Krishna
Tales of the Devotees
A Cycle of Great Kings


The Story of Shiva , the Great God

In wild and lonely places, at any time, one may chance on the Great God, for such are His most favored haunts. Once seen, there is no mistaking Him... High amongst the Himalayas tower the great snow mountains, and here, on the still, cold heights, is Shiva throned. Silent-nay, rapt in silence-does He sit there, absorbed and lost in one eternal meditation. When the new moon shines over the mountain-tops, standing above the brow of the Great God, it appears to worshiping souls as if the light shone through, instead of all about Him. For He is full of radiance, and can cast no shadow...

Sister Nivedita, also known as Margaret Noble in her native Ireland, was a disciple and friend of Swami Vivekananda. She was an Irish teacher, author, and social activist. She founded a girl's school in India, where she spent the rest of her life. For a list of other titles by Sister Nivedita please click here.

Global Rating: 5.00 from 2 reviews Write a review
Review By Alaknanda Bagchi

Cradle Tales of Hinduism

I bought this book to see how Sister Nivedita told the tales that most Indian children grow up with. I find great beauty and charm in her style of storytelling. Everyone will enjoy this book with its fascinating stories, and I strongly recommend it.

Review By Hyun Underwood

Cradle Tales of Hinduism

I am so impressed about this book because the content is much more than a simple cradle tales. It feels like reading a book of Harry Potter. By reading this book, I now have better understanding of the greatest epic of India, Mahabharta and Bhagavad Gita. Thank you to Sister Nivedita for making me to understand India's colorful culture and spiritual traditions.