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  • Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
by Mahendranath Gupta (M.)
Translated by Swami Nikhilananda
Introduction by Aldous Huxley, edited by Joseph Campbell

The words and stories of Hindu saint exemplar Ramakrishna are recorded with with an almost stenographic precision.
The edition with over 1000 pages is a big heavy hardback book.

  • 640 pages, US abridged edition hardback
    1,106 pages US large hardback
  • (retail only)
It's one thing to hear about the greatness of a spiritual teacher, but another to read the actual words spoken of that person so you can form your own opinion.

In this book written by Mahendra Nath Gupta, or "M.," and translated from the Bengali by Swami Nikhilananda, the words and stories of Ramakrishna are recorded with with almost stenographic precision. What emerges is a picture of a person who is not only loving, and lovable, but madly in love with God, what we call God-intoxicated. Readers are apt to feel that if God took a human form to talk to us, maybe this is what he would be like.

A biography of Ramakrishna is included.

This book has attracted interest from many diverse religious groups.
The large edition includes photos, glossary and index.
The abridged edition contains all the teachings from the larger Gospel, but is one third the size. Long songs are reduced and mythological stories shortened.

Most people prefer to buy the larger edition first, then use the abridged edition to carry around for study.

We also sell another translation that lacks the quality of translation into good English, but is an almost word-for-word translation into English from the original Bengali titled Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamritta.

See also the Concordance to the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.
Global Rating: 5.00 from 7 reviews Write a review
Review By Bob

A Large Book that is Worth the Time

It's hard to believe that a person like Ramakrishna existed. Fortunately, we have a diary-like description by Mahendranath Gupta who described the visits in his diary each visit to Ramakrishna.

You will have to revise what you think of a holy man and stretch your imagination to think about this simple and genuine soul who we learn is the personification of God on earth. It may be hard to believe, but is well worth the look.

Review By Advait Deshpande

Wonderful book!

Review By Susan La Prelle

Excellent book

This book should be in every library of those that practice Sanatana Dharma.

Review By SC

Divine Guidance & a gift

Happy with the purchase.
Many insights and guidance offered through the teachings and wisdom of Sri Ramakrishna.

Review By Erika Francis

Sri Rama krishna

The blessings of this child of God are upon my life since reading the gospel. Learning of him is beautiful but tuning into his eternal nature through reading his life is bliss. The incense is the sweetest fragrance. When I read I burn the insence and later when I smell the insence I remember his presence. I am a diciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and he recommended this gospel to his devotees. I love Vendanta society and cannot wait untill the bookroom is open again.

Review By Zoe Inman

yay team for this one!

hot diggity God! we can access the depth of Master M's magnum opus without the weight! we still pay homage to the 'big book', & are happy to have this one for those early morning study hours when you need things to be a bit more easy to hold! beautiful to hold; the actual size of the book brings the words more to heart & a literal intimacy to be had with Sri RK etal!--Revzo

Review By john nissen

the gospel of sri ramakrishna

it is a must read if you have interest in Ramakrishna or spiritual life one of the best books and easy to read kausika