
Ramakrishna and His Disciples

(1 reviews)
  • Ramakrishna and His Disciples
by Christopher Isherwood

This biography of Ramakrishna was written for the West by one of England's most talented authors.

  • 368 pages, US quality paperback
  • 0-87481-037-X

This biography of Ramakrishna was written for the West by one of England's most talented authors. The writing is beautiful in itself, but the story of a most unusual man with unheard of spiritual yearning is what this book is really about.

Excerpt: "This is the story of a phenomenon. I will begin by calling him simply that, rather than "holy man,""mystic,"or "saint"; all emotive words with mixed associations which may attract some readers, repel others.

"A phenomenon is always a fact, an object of experience. That is how I shall try to approach Ramakrishna . . . I only ask you to approach Ramakrishna with the same open-minded curiosity you might feel for any highly unusual human being."

Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By John

Timeless spiritual classic