
Vedanta: A Simple Introduction

(1 reviews)
  • Vedanta: A Simple Introduction
by Pravrajika Vrajaprana

A concise, and delightful introduction to Vedanta, the philosophical backbone of Hinduism.

  • 90 pages US paperback
  • 0-87481-373-5

A concise, and delightful introduction to Vedanta, the philosophical backbone of Hinduism.

Written with verve and charm by a Western nun for a Western audience, this brief book gives a comprehensive overview of Vedanta philosophy while emphasizing its practical Western application.
Table of Contents:  
1. Vedanta: An Overview
2. Why Are We Unaware of our Divinity?
     The Concept of Maya
3. The Problem of Suffering:
     Karma and Reincarnation
4 Spiritual Practice: The Yogas
5 Spiritual Basics: Ethical and Moral Virtues
6. The Harmony of Religions: "Truth is One;
    Sages Call It by Various Names"
7. The Oneness of Existence: Unity in Diversity
8. God in Human Form: The Avatar
9. Revitalization of an Ancient Philosophy:
   Ramakrishna, the Ramakrishna Order,
   and the Vedanta Societies
10. Suggestions for Further Reading

Global Rating: 4.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By Akhilesh Gupta

Honest openion

Both the books were informative about the deep knowledge of Vedas philosophy and eye opening experience about Hinduism in real sense not a religion but life engagement where ego donot have a place.Tha knowledge these books have provided are worth lot for ignorant minds.