Edited by Swami Tyagananda
From the Notes by Pravrajika Mukundaprana
A popular and inspiring collection of comments of the swami on spiritual practice.
We have only one paperback, and four hardbacks left, and once sold, won't be able to ship more till mid-February after new stock arrives.
- about 450 pages,paperback and hardback
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- Reviews
The result is an inspiring and interesting collection of comments of the swami on spiritual practice that are still fresh and alive today as they were when he first said them. This is an both an inspiring and incredibly helpful book.
-- Every person has his or her own individual approach. Where they are or where they have been or where they will be - cannot be seen from outside. No one can be compared with anyone else.
-- To feel, "How can I help" is higher than meditation. It really purifies the mind to help others, but it must always be with a spiritual attitude. Selfishness is our worst enemy. If you have to be around a difficult person, reflect. Do not react. Rather, go out of your way to help that person if possible.
-- When you say that Thakur (Ramakrishna) is always with us, do you mean in the all-pervasive sense like Brahman of Vedanta, or in a more personal way?
Reply: It is true in a much more intense and personal way. Within the cosmic realm, these incarnations — and there are only a few — are like huge rockets, which once fired, have remained in orbit. But we must be conscious, became aware of their presence. The minute you think of him, he is there. Many people, lay as well as monastic, including Americans, have experienced his presence through the intensity of their devotion.
Being Spiritual Staying Practical
This book is a must read for all including householders as it give great insights and explains in simple terms to apply the knowledge in our daily life. It is also used as a practical guide for spiritual seekers.
An everyday read!
This book is a treasure house of simple, yet profound instructions that one would typically get only from a personal trainer a.k.a Guru. This book is best utilized by reading a paragraph or a page every day like a daily vitamin dose.
I am very happy with the book- joyously recommending.
I can't praise this book enough. On virtually every page there is an inspiring thought or suggestion. I think it is probably most meaningful to devotees in the Vedanta movement started by Swami Vivekananda but perhaps others will also find it helpful.
Fascinating insights
This book contains very valuable insights captured by the devoted students of Swami Sarvagatanandaji, who served at the Boston Vedanta Center for many years and profoundly influenced so many. Extremely practical and powerful guidance for all seekers.