  • Buddha and His Sermon MP3
Talk by Swami Prabhavananda

Buddha and Vedanta.

  • 54 minutes, 30 seconds lecture
Note from the sound editor: This is the keeper on Buddhism. Excellent voice and technical quality and the lecture itself is excellent; with a nice piece at the end on Sister Nivedita’s experience at Bodh Gaya. MP3 file for download.
Global Rating: 4.67 from 3 reviews Write a review
Review By Katherine Masis

Overview of the Buddha's Teachings

Review By Zoe Inman

Swami P in beautiful form

Swami P was my fathers teacher; i am graced to have been introduced to him, not in person but in stories etc, at an early age after my dad had left the life as a monk under Swami P & came to me & my Mother via more grace! anyhoo, this mp3 series is so easy to follow, rich, relevant, & a good immersion of Swami P!

Review By Janet Lindgren

Inspirational Satsang

This satsang is very informative and inspirational. Swami Prabhavananda is an excellent teacher. Uplifting power is felt even though he is no longer in the body.