Perhaps nothing is needed in this world so much as education--academic, physical, environmental, social, spiritual. We offer a number of titles on the Vedantic idea of education, expressed especially by Swami Vivekananda and those influenced by him.
Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.--Swami Vivekananda
Bhagavad Gita for Students
$4.95 -
$3.95 $2.95 -
Education for Human Unity and World Civilization
$6.95 -
Manifesting Inherent Perfection: Writings on Education for Complete Self-Development
$25.95 -
My Idea of Education
$6.95 -
Plays and Poems
$6.95 -
Sister Sudhira
$3.95 -
Universal Prayers for Youth
$3.95 -
Upanishads For Students