  • The Glory of Monastic Life
by Swami Bhajanananda

All about the glory of the monastic ideal in modern times. Compares traditional monastic models with modern monastic centers.

  • Indian paperback, 55 pages
  • 81-7505-371-2
A quiet look at the glory of monastic life.

Monasticism is a way of life and is central to Indian culture from ancient times. It is based on the hunger of the soul for the Divine. For this reason, it is important to understand the basic principles and relevance of the monastic life.

The book compares traditional monastic models with modern monastic centers. Gives an overview of monasticism in general and monasticism in the Ramakrishna Order in particular.
Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By Deborah N

Wonderful Read

This book was a wonderful read. It explained the history and meaning of monasticsm in the Ramakrishna Order. It also explained the history of how past monastic orders influenced India as well.