Hindu Philosophy
This is an all-purpose category for books that don't seem to fit in the other more specific areas.
Featured titles are at this link: Hinduism/Vedanta: Our Main Titles
Please note that we have a special section for books by Ramana Maharshi, and Nisargadatta whose approach to Vedanta has been very popular to the Western mind.
Featured titles are at this link: Hinduism/Vedanta: Our Main Titles
Please note that we have a special section for books by Ramana Maharshi, and Nisargadatta whose approach to Vedanta has been very popular to the Western mind.
A Concise Encyclopaedia of Hinduism
$195.00 -
A Guide to Spiritual Life: Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda
$12.95 -
A Heart Poured Out: A Story of Sw. Ashokananda
$15.95 -
A Light to the West: The Life and Teachings of Swami Prabhavananda
$10.95 -
Alayam: The Hindu Temple - An Epitome of Hindu Culture
$13.95 -
An Introduction to Hindu Culture: Ancient & Medieval
$6.95 -
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy
$10.95 -
Ascent to Spiritual Illumination: Ten Lectures on Spiritual Practice
$6.95 -
Aspects of Vedanta
$16.95 -
Basic Ideas of Hinduism
$13.95 -
Beyond Life and Death: A Dialogue Between Yamaraja and Nachiketa
$4.95 -
Beyond Space and Time
$14.95 -
Bhagavad Gita for Students
$4.95 -
Bhakti Schools of Vedanta
$21.95 -
Bhasa Pariccheda - With Siddhanta-Muktavali
$8.95 -
Book of Daily Thoughts and Prayers
$12.95 -
Buddha and His Message
$3.95 -
Call to the Eternal
$8.95 -
Can One Be Scientific and yet Spiritual?
$3.95 -
Centred in Truth
$49.95 -
Channelling Youth Power
$6.95 -
Charm and Power of the Gita
$4.95 -
Children of Immortal Bliss
$16.50 -
Common Sense About Yoga
$3.00 -
Complete Works of Swami Abhedananda
$295.00 $225.00 -
Concentration and Meditation
$6.95 -
Consciousness Speaks: New Conversations with Ramesh Balsekar
$24.95 -
Cultural Heritage of India 8 Volume Set (9 Books)
$270.00 -
$6.95 -
Daily Practice of the Hindus
$15.00 -
Daksinamurti Stotra with Manasollasa
$15.95 -
Dance Of Siva - Essays on Indian Art and Culture
$11.95 -
Democratic Administration in the Light of Practical Vedanta
$6.95 -
Devotional Lyrics of India
$11.95 -
Disciple's Journal In the Company of Swami Ashokananda
$14.95 -
Discrimination Between the Real and Unreal
$8.00 -
Divine Grace
$3.95 -
Encountering the Memory-Self
$6.95 -
Essays on the Gita
$21.95 -
Essentials of Hinduism by Swami Vivekananda
$2.50 -
Essentials of Hinduism: A Comprehensive Overview of the World's Oldest Religion
$14.50 -
Essentials of Spiritual Life
$4.95 -
Facets of Saivism
$3.00 -
From Darkness to Light - Selected Writings from Prabuddha Bharata
$24.95 -
From the Unreal to the Real
$8.95 -
Gandhi the Man: The Story of His Transformation
$15.95 -
Gandhi: An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth
$14.95 -
Go Forward: Letters of Swami Premeshananda Vol. 2
$7.95 $2.95 -
Go Forward: Letters to Spiritual Seekers
(one-volume edition)$34.95 -
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
$10.95 -
Health Medicine and Religion
$7.95 -
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body: New Thoughts on Health
$11.95 -
Healthy Values of Living
$6.95 -
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
$24.95 -
Hindu Symbols
$6.95 -
Hinduism -- by Swami Vivekananda
$4.95 -
Hinduism at a Glance
$9.95 -
Hinduism Gift Pack - A Set of Six Books
$28.95 -
Hinduism Through Questions and Answers
$4.95 -
Hinduism: Its Meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
$12.50 -
Hinduism: The Eternal Dharma
$11.95 -
Hinduism: The Faith Eternal
$39.95 -
How to Be a Yogi
$6.95 -
How to Get Along with Others
$9.95 -
How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali
$10.95 -
How to Organise Life?
$6.95 -
How to Seek God
$10.95 -
How to Shape the Personality: Exploring the Dimensions of Building Up a Healthy Personality
$12.95 -
Human Affection and Divine Love
$1.25 -
I Point to India: Selected Writings of Max Mueller
$7.95 -
Indian Saints and Mystics
$10.95 -
Insights into Vedanta: Tattvabodha
$14.95 -
Intelligent Way to Yoga
$2.00 -
Jaina Philosphy and Religion (translation of the Jaina Darsana
$24.95 -
Journey from Many to One: Essentials of Advaita Vedanta
$15.95 -
Journey of the Upanishads to the West
$19.95 $9.95 -
Kali Kirtan: In Praise of the Divine Mother CD
$14.95 $10.95 -
Kali the Mother
$3.95 -
Kali: The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar
$22.95 -
Katha Upanisad: With the commentary of Sankaracarya
$6.95 -
Laghu Vakya Vrtti
$2.95 -
Life After Death - None has Power to Destroy the Unchangeable
$1.00 -
Life Beyond Death: A Critical Study of Spiritualism
$10.95 -
Life in Indian Monasteries: Reminiscenses about Monks of the Ramakrishna Order
$14.95 -
Life of Sri Ramanuja
$6.95 -
Light From the Orient
$10.95 -
Living By The Words of Bhagavan
$18.00 -
Living Wisdom: Vedanta in the West
$14.95 -
Looking Deeply - Vivekacudamani of Sri Sankarcarya
$14.95 -
Mahendra Nath Gupta: The Recorder of the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
$19.95 -
Man in Search of Immortality: Testimonials from the Hindu Scriptures
$10.50 -
Max Mueller and His Contemporaries
$11.95 -
Meditation and Other Spiritual Disciplines
$5.95 -
Mental Health and Hindu Psychology
$15.95 -
Message of the Bhagavad Gita
$4.95 -
Monasteries in South India
$4.95 -
Monasticism: Ideal and Traditions
$5.95 -
My Life Is My Work - Sw. Ranganathananda
$24.95 -
Mystery of Human Experience
$7.95 -
Narayaneeyam - Bhagavata Condensed
$18.95 -
Om, Gayatri and Sandhya
$4.95 -
One Life's Pilgrimage
$9.95 -
Overcoming Anger
$5.95 -
Philosophical Verses of Yogavasishtha
$9.95 -
Prabuddha Bharata DVD 1896-2009
$29.95 -
Practical Spirituality
$4.95 -
Practical Spirituality - New Edition
$10.95 -
Precepts for Perfection: Teachings of the Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna
$8.95 -
Primer of Hinduism
$8.95 -
Proceedings of the Question Answer Session in Chicago
$3.00 -
Profiles in Greatness
$3.95 -
Rama Gita
$3.00 -
Realisation and Its Methods
$4.95 -
Relief of Tension, Depression & Anxiety through Spiritual Living
$8.95 -
Religion and Dharma
$6.95 -
Religion and Its Practice
$4.95 -
Religious Behaviour and Spiritual Experience
$9.95 -
Rhythm of Life
$2.95 -
Sarala Gita
$8.95 -
Science and Philosophy of Religion
$5.95 -
Shafts of Light: Spiritual Teachings of Swami Ashokananda
$12.95 -
Shanti Gita: The Song of Peace
$19.95 -
Six Lighted Windows: Memories of Swamis in the West
$14.95 -
Some Guidelines to Inner Life
$5.95 -
Spiritual Healing
$4.95 -
Spiritual Heritage of India
$12.95 -
Spiritual Initiation: What It Is
$3.00 -
Spiritual Life of the Householder
$2.95 -
Spiritual Quest and the Way of Yoga: The Goal, the Journey, and the Milestones
$29.99 $24.99 -
Spiritual Quest: Questions and Answers
$7.95 -
Spiritual Talks -- by the First Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna
$9.95 -
Spiritual Unfoldment
$4.95 -
Sri Aurobindo: Selected Writings: (computer CD Rom)
$29.95 -
Sri Madhvacarya: His Life, Religion and Philosophy
$4.95 -
Sri Ramakrishna and His Unique Message
$6.95 -
Sri Ramakrishna: The Personification of Gods and Goddesses
$9.95 -
Sri Ramanuja: The Life Force Behind the Bhakti Movement of India
$3.00 -
Sri Shankaracharya: Life and Philosophy
$11.95 -
Srimad Bhagavadgita - Gita Press Pocket Edition
$4.95 -
Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana (Gita Press edition) 2-volume set
$45.00 -
Stories from Vedanta
$4.95 -
Story of Ramakrishna Mission: Swami Vivekananda's Vision and Fulfilment
$34.95 -
Strive to Attain God
$12.95 -
Studies in Jainism
$10.95 -
Studies on the Tantras
$10.95 -
Study of Heliocentric Science
$10.95 -
Swami Swahananda's Works - A 3-Book Set
$39.85 $19.95 -
Swami Vivekananda's Concept of Service
$5.95 -
Synthesis of Vedanta
$5.95 -
Tagore: The Mystic Poets
$16.99 -
Talks and Essays - Two Volume Set
$31.95 -
The Approach to Truth in Vedanta
$3.00 -
The Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation
$34.95 -
The Charm of Mayavati Ashrama
$8.95 -
The Complete Works of Sister Nivedita (Five volumes)
$24.95 -
The Glory of Monastic Life
$1.95 -
The Hollywood Kali
$12.95 -
The Indian Vision of God as Mother
$2.00 -
The Influence of Indian Thought on the Thought of the West
$3.50 -
The Light of the Modern World
$16.95 -
The Message of the Upanisads
$31.95 -
The Message of Vivekachudamani
$24.95 -
The Monk Without Frontiers: Reminiscences of Swami Ranganathananda
$35.95 -
The Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy: A Primer
$5.95 -
The Spiritual Heritage of Tyagaraja
$22.95 -
The Ultimate Love Affair: Vedanta and the Search for God
$15.95 -
The Universal Message
$8.00 -
The Upanishads (Swami Paramananda, tr.)
$5.95 -
The Vedanta Kesari: 101 Years of Digitised Archives (1914 to 2014) DVD
$24.95 -
The Works of Swami Abhedananda
$50.00 $29.95 -
Thoughts on Spiritual Life
$4.95 -
Three Steps of Vedanta
$8.00 -
Three Systems of Vedanta: An Introduction
$3.95 -
Thus Spake Lord Mahavir
$1.50 -
Thus Spake Set of 11 booklets
$12.95 -
Thus Spake Sri Krishna
$1.00 -
Thus Spake Sri Rama
$1.00 -
Totapuri - Vedantic Teacher of Sri Ramakrishna
$20.95 $9.95 -
Towards the Goal Supreme: Paramartha Prasanga
$7.95 -
Twelve Azhvars - Twelve Saints of Sri Vaishnavism
$14.95 -
Understanding Consciousness: Recent Advances
$14.95 -
Uniqueness of the Ramakrishna Incarnation - And Other Essays
$25.95 -
Upanishadic Stories and Their Significance
$7.95 -
Upanishads in Daily Life
$10.95 -
Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal
$12.95 -
Vairagya Shatakam of Bhartrhari: The 100 Verses of Renunciation
$2.95 -
Values: The Key to a Meaningful Life
$6.95 -
Vedanta & Ramakrishna
$12.95 -
Vedanta and Advaita Shaivagama of Kashmir: A Comparative Study
$4.95 -
Vedanta and Holy Mother
$9.95 -
Vedanta and Vivekananda
$14.95 -
Vedanta for All
$6.95 -
Vedanta for the Common Man
$5.95 -
Vedanta in Practice (Paramananda)
$4.95 -
Vedanta Sadhana and Shakti Puja
$8.95 -
Vedanta Spiritual Classics
$124.75 $106.95 -
Vedanta Way to Peace and Happiness
$29.99 $24.99 -
Vedanta: A Blueprint for Everyday Life DVD
$14.95 -
Vedanta: A Religion, A Philosophy, A Way of Life
$10.95 -
Vedanta: A Simple Introduction
$6.95 -
Vedanta: Heart of Hinduism
$12.00 -
Vishwarupa: The Universal Form and The Path of Devotion
$7.95 -
Vivekananda As the Turning Point
$24.95 -
Way of Peace and Blessedness
$6.95 -
Way to Attain Bliss in Old Age
$1.95 -
Way to Peace
$2.95 -
Who Am I? An Enquiry
$8.00 -
With the Swamis in America and India
$9.95 -
Writings of Swami Atulananda
$19.95 -
Yankee and the Swamis: A Westerner's View of the Ramakrishna Order
$9.95 -
Yoga and Mysticism
$4.95 -
Yoga in Day-to-Day Life
$9.95 -
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man
$8.95 -
Yoga Vasistha of Valmiki - Sanskrit and English Translation - 4 Volume Set
$300.00 $199.00 -
Yoga: Its Theory and Practice