
I Am That: The Joy of Inner Awareness

(1 reviews)
  • I Am that: The Joy of Inner Awareness
by Pravrajika Vivekaprana

Talks based on discussions regarding Shankara's work Laghu Vakya Vritti and Aparkokshanubhuti

  • 110 pages, Indian paperback
  • (retail only)

Based on discussions regarding Shankara's work Laghu Vakya Vritti and Aparokshanubhuti.

1) Introduction and Basic Concepts
2) Consciousness Is the Light
4) Controlling the Modification and Finding the Gap
5) Realization of Brahman

This book is volume 6 of the Understanding Vedanta Lecture Series.

For other titles by Pravrajika Vivekaprana please click here.

Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By Davor Ararankovic

I Am That: The Joy of Inner Awareness

Discussions based on Sri Shankaracharya s Laghu Vakya Vritti This book brings the answer that is encapsulated in the 18 shlokas as given by Sri Shankaracharya and as discussed most lucidly and presented in her inimical direct and challenging manner, by Pravrajika Vivekaprana.