Meditation is a continual concentration of thought on one idea. With regular practice, you will develop cheerfulness and inner calmness. If you don't like the word meditation, consider yourself to be practicing stress reduction methods.
One executive who wouldn't be caught meditating, began to practice "stress reduction." In time he began to experience feelings that he could only describe as holy, or sacred. Now he rises early in the morning for the most important part of the day, meditation.
We offer quite a few books on the subject. The write-ups will help you decided if the book is suitable for a beginner or the experienced meditator.
Keep in mind that there is no single method to practice. It depends on your nature and where you are spiritually. For guidance, we suggest a competent teacher. Click on the link for our USA Centers where instruction is available at no charge. Or click for foreign centers outside India.
Art of Meditation
Conquest of Mind
Consciousness: A Deeper Scientific Search
Essentials of Spiritual Life
Healing Meditations
How to Overcome Mental Tension
In the Hours of Meditation
Man and His Mind
Meditation According to Yoga-Vedanta
Meditation and Its Methods
Meditation and Its Preparation
Meditation and Other Spiritual Disciplines
Meditation and Spiritual Life
Meditation As Spiritual Culmination (2-volume set)
Meditation, Ecstasy & Illumination: An Overview of Vedanta
Meditation, Mind and Patanjali’s Yoga: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Growth for Everyone
Meditation: Its Process, Practice and Culmination
Mind According to Vedanta
Mind and Its Control
Paths of Meditation
Science of Psychic Phenomena
Silence as Yoga
The Practice of Meditation
Tranquility (CD)
Understanding Consciousness: Recent Advances
Will Power and Its Development
Meditation and Its Practices
$34.95 $24.99
Meditation According to Vedanta
Dhyanam (CD) Hindu Guided Meditations for Peace and Enlightenment
Meditation: Why and How - MP3 Download
Yoga: Its Theory and Practice
Spirituality and Science of Consciousness
Divine Life: Its Practice and Realisation
Being Spiritual, Staying Practical
The Atman: Our True Nature
From Darkness to Light - Selected Writings from Prabuddha Bharata