On Sale - Reduced Prices
These titles are on sale due to overstock, special buys, or changes of technology. If you still have an audio tape player, you'll find some great prices for lectures on tape.
Vedanta Spiritual Classics
$124.75 $106.95 -
Pravrajika Ajayaprana: The Guiding Light
$29.95 $18.95 -
Complete Works of Swami Abhedananda
$295.00 $225.00 -
M - The Apostle and the Evangelist: A 16-volume Set
$235.95 $189.95 -
Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination CD of MP3s
$95.00 $45.00 -
The Wishing Tree
$9.95 $5.95 -
Swami Vivekananda Studies in the Soviet Union
$6.95 $3.95 -
Vedanta and Vivekananda
$14.95 -
Holy Scriptures: A Symposium on the Great Scriptures of the World
$7.95 -
Remembering Sri Sarada Devi's Disciple
$29.95 $14.95 -
Cotton Meditation Chaddar/Shawl
$20.00 -
The Works of Swami Abhedananda
$50.00 $29.95 -
Call of the Gita
$4.95 -
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (hardback edition)
$144.95 -
Concordance to the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
$24.95 -
Grace Divine
$4.95 $2.95 -
Plays and Poems
$6.95 -
All That Exists Art Thou - CD: Songs from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
$0.00 -
Go Forward: Letters of Swami Premeshananda Vol. 2
$7.95 $2.95 -
Swami Swahananda: A Profile in Greatness
$16.95 $7.95 -
Remembrances of Swami Swahananda: Reflections on Greatness
$19.95 $8.95 -
Guru to the World: The Life and Legacy of Vivekananda
$39.95 $4.95