
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- A Summary Chapter I

(1 reviews)
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras- A Summary Chapter I
a series of discourses by Sw. Sridharananda

This CD audio set is a collection of 4 CDs that are a summary of Chapter 1 of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Samadhi Pada) by Swami Sridharananda.

  • 4 audio CDs, about 5 hours of classes
  • (retail only)
$24.95 $19.95

This CD audio set is a collection of 4 CDs that are a summary of Chapter 1 of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Samadhi Pada).

Swami Sriharananda is speaker by divine right. He speaks clearly and articulates his words so westerners can understand him without trouble.

His dynamic delivery keeps anyone from boredom.
Yet as we have found as he lectures here in Hollywood, one look at his face and everyone is charmed. Here is a speaker worth listening to.

Following is a YouTube clip of the swami speaking on the Patanjali Sutras:



Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By venkata purna boggavarapu


Presentation is excellent. I also purchased all the videos from vedanta Sydney/Australia interested of summary of chapter 1.