
Selfless Work: It's Basis, Methods and Fulfillment

(2 reviews)
  • Selfless Work
by Swami Bhajanananda

"Work, whatever its nature, must become a spiritual discipline, otherwise it will become a drag on the soul and a drain on one's spiritual resources."

  • 78 pages, quality Indian paperback
  • (trade title)

"Work, whatever its nature, must become a spiritual discipline, otherwise it will become a drag on the soul and a drain on one's spiritual resources." Sw. Bhajanananda

An intelligent and practical guide for the practice of karma yoga.

From the Table of Contents
 1. The Perennial Labor of Sisyphus
 2. What is Karma?
 3. Pravritti and Nivrtti Marga: Karma and Karma Yoga
 4. Mediation and Work
         Conflict between work and Meditation
         Relation between Work and Meditation
         Integration of Work into Meditative Life
 5. Sankara and Karma
 6. Swami Vivekananda and Karma
 7. Karma as Builder of Character
 8. Two Highways of Karma Yoga
 9. Karma and Consciousness
10. Nature of Bondage
11. Effects of Karma
13. Karma and Love
14. Karma Yoga and the Problem of Evil
15. Karma and Creativity
16. Fundamental Principles of Karma Yoga
17. Karma Yoga and Buddhi Yoga
18. Conversion of Work into Karma Yoga
19. Auxiliary Disciplines of Karma Yoga
20. How to do Karma Yoga
21. Work in Today's Context
22. The End and the Means

Global Rating: 5.00 from 2 reviews Add your review of this product
Review By Sebastian Müller

Lucid explanation of Karma Yoga

This was a great read, making some aspects of this path more clear to me. I would highly reccomend it.
Delivery to Germany worked very well.

Review By Bhaskar Mukhopadhyay

Karma Yoga explained

I bought this book because I thought that this book would help me towards understanding Swami Vivekananda's Karma Yoga better.

I believe reading both these books together definitely helps in understanding the concepts of Karma Yoga better.