Classes and Lectures on CDs
Stuck in gridlock? Doing work that doesn't require concentration? Put the time to good use with spoken and musical CDs, and MP3s that uplift the spirit. Take them with you when you drive, or listen at your convenience. Many MP3 files can also be download from our web site. For a start, see the home page for free classes you can download now - all lectures by Swami Prabhavananda.
MP3 Shankara's Crest Jewel Classes - The Vivekachudamani
MP3 Classes and Lectures of Swami Prabhavananda
MP3 Classes and Lectures at the Vedanta Society
Divine Incarnation CD
$9.95 -
Divine Love - audio CD
$9.95 -
Effort and Grace CD
$9.95 -
Householder and Monastic Life audio CD
$9.95 -
How To Meditate - CD
$9.95 -
Knowledge and Understanding CD
$9.95 -
The Self is God audio CD
$9.95 -
Technique of Mind Control - CD
$9.95 -
Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal (with cd)
$19.95 -
What Is True Mysticism? - CD
$9.95 -
Bhagavad Gita Classes - CD of MP3 files
$69.95 -
Narada's Way of Divine Love - CD of MP3s
$50.00 $39.95 -
Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta MP3 CD
$29.95 $24.00 -
Swami Vivekananda CD: Two Lectures on the Bhagavad Gita CD Read by Christopher Isherwood
$11.95 -
Tranquility (CD)
$9.95 -
What Is Vedanta? (CD)
$9.95 -
Religion is Realization (CD)
$9.95 -
What Is Religion? CD
$11.95 -
Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination CD of MP3s
$95.00 $45.00 -
The Writer and Vedanta
$11.95 -
Yoga: True and False CD
$9.95 -
Dhyanam (CD) Hindu Guided Meditations for Peace and Enlightenment