
The Life Story of Sri Ramakrishna: The First Biography of Sri Ramakrishna

(1 reviews)
  • The Life Story of Sri Ramakrishna: The First Biography of Sri Ramakrishna
by Ramachandra Datta - English rendering based on the translation by Swami Sarvadevananda

This is the English rendering of the first biography of Sri Ramakrishna in Bengali titled Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsadeber Jivan Vrittanta by Ramachandra Datta.

  • 184 pages, Indian hardcover
  • 8175054220
The life of Sri Ramakrishna was a marvelous spiritual journey leading ultimately to the fulfillment of spiritual aspirations of countless men and women. This life becomes more accessible when it's story comes from the lips of people who were in close contact with him and whose lives were changed because of his grace. This is the English rendering of the first biography of Sri Ramakrishna in Bengali titled Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsadeber Jivan Vrittanta by Ramachandra Datta.
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Invaluable information about Master’s overwhelming beauty and His sadhanas that this reviewer has not read in other biographies. We try so hard to be pure, however, Master is Purity itself.