  • The Atman: Our True Nature
by Pravrajika Vivekaprana

Continuing classes on Swami Vivekananda's Lectures, by the popular author "The Atman,""The Atman: It's Bondage and Freedom."

  • 94 pages, Indian paperback
This book is part 8 of the Understanding Vedanta Lecture Series. Pravrajika Vivekaprana is a popular author on Vedanta Philosophy. This book is based on discussions with the author/speaker on Swami Vivekananda's lectures on "The Atman" and "The Atman: It's Bondage and Freedom." She is a popular writer at Vedanta Catalog.

For other titles by Pravrajika Vivekaprana please click here.
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Review By Tomas Martinez

The Atman Our True Nature

With all due respect, I found this book insulting to the profound rich traditions of major religions, and embarrassing to your beliefs of nonduality, through Maya, Atman, and Brahman. The author seems dogmatic and shallow. I have read much better books from Vedanta, that have helped me with deepening my religious tradition.