Vedanta - Scriptures
Aitareya Upanisad: With the commentary of Sankaracarya
Astavakra Samhita
Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya (two translations available)
Beyond Life and Death: A Dialogue Between Yamaraja and Nachiketa
Brahma Sutra Bhasya of Sankaracharya
Emerson and Vedanta
The Ethical Philosophy of the Gita
Gems From the Upanishads
Goal and the Way: The Vedantic Way to Life's Problems
Insights into Vedanta: Tattvabodha
Methods of Knowledge - According to Advaita Vedanta
The Message of Vivekachudamani
Narada's Way of Divine Love - CD of MP3s
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Pancadasi of Sri Vidyaranya Swami
Panchikaranam of Sri Sankaracarya
Thus Spake the Vedas
Upadesa Sahasri of Sri Sankaracharya: (A Thousand Teachings in Two Parts: Prose and Poetry)
Vedanta and the Future of Mankind
Vedanta Paribhasa of Dharmaraja Adhvarindra
Vedanta Philosophy
Vedanta-sara of Sadananda (The Essence of Vedanta)
Vedanta: Voice of Freedom
Vedartha Sangraha
Vedic Religion & Philosophy
Brahma Sutras according to Sri Ramanuja
Mahanarayana Upanisad
Katha Upanisad: With the commentary of Sankaracarya
Samkhya Karika of Iswara Krsna
The Concise Yoga Vasistha
Vakyavritti of Sri Sankaracharya and Atmajnanopadeshavidhi
Nectar of Supreme Knowledge: The Yoga Vasistha Sarah
The Upanishads - Abridged version
Srimad Bhagavadgita - Sadhaka-Sanjivani (with Appendix), 2 Volume Set
The Kena Upanishad: Swami Bhaskareshwarananda's Elucidation
Sandilya Bhakti Sutras, with Svapnesvara Bhasya
The Upanishads (Swami Paramananda, tr.)
Facets of Saivism
Upanishads in Daily Life
Laghu Vakya Vrtti
Upanishadic Stories and Their Significance
Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana (Gita Press edition) 2-volume set
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man
Vedanta Spiritual Classics
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