Vedanta - Shankara
Shankara is considered by many as the greatest philosopher-saint of India, and chief exponent of non-dual Vedanta. He is often quoted as the authority on Vedanta.
Click on highlighted titles to learn more.
Aparoksanubhuti: Self Realization of Sri Sankaracharya
Brahma Sutras according to Sri Sankara
Sankara Dig Vijaya: The Traditional Life of Sri Sankaracharya
Saundarya Lahari of Sri Sankaracarya: Inundation of Divine Splendor
Self-Knowledge (Atmabodha)
Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination: The Viveka-chudamani: Timeless Teachings on Nonduality
Sivanandalahari of Sri Sankaracarya - or Inundation of Divine Bliss
Upadesa Sahasri of Sri Sankaracharya: (A Thousand Teachings in Two Parts: Prose and Poetry)
Vakyavritti of Sri Sankaracharya and Atmajnanopadeshavidhi
Vivekacudamani of Sri Sankaracarya
Vivekachudamani- MP3 CD
Thus Spake Sri Sankara
Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination CD of MP3s
$95.00 $45.00
I Am That: The Joy of Inner Awareness
Discrimination Between the Real and Unreal
Who Am I? An Enquiry
Mystery of Human Experience
Panchikaranam of Sri Sankaracarya
A Collection from Sankara's Commentaries on the Prasthana-Traya
Aitareya Upanisad: With the commentary of Sankaracarya
Sri Shankaracharya: Life and Philosophy
Laghu Vakya Vrtti