
Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya (two translations available)

(3 reviews)
  • Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya (two translations available)
attributed to the sage Daittatreya

One of the purest statements of the supreme knowledge of Advaita Vedanta, by a sage who lived over three thousand years ago.

  • 136 pages, Indian paperback - Chetanananda translation 81-85301-26-3
  • 176 pages, Indian paperback - Ashokananda translation 81-7120-037-0
A text of Vedanta about Non-dualism highly praised by Advaita Vedantins.

The version by Sw. Ashokananda is the most popular translation. The text is in Sanskrit with transliteration, then English translation. Notes by translator.

The Chetanananda translation is a newer translation with text in Sanskrit, and English translation but no transliteration. You may regard his translation as slightly easier to read.
Global Rating: 5.00 from 3 reviews Write a review
Review By Richard Jones

Avadhuta Gita

Descriptive and far reaching. This small tome dispells
many myths abiut the sciences of the inner and outer world.

Review By Peace

Avadhuta Gita

Review By Davor Ararankovic

Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

If you are interested in Vedanta, I think you will find this text very inspiring. I read it often when I need a spiritual boost.