
God Lived With Them: Life Stories of the Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna

(2 reviews)
  • God Lived With Them: Life Stories of the Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna
Translated and edited by Swami Chetanananda

Biographical stories of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, including newly translated material.

  • 655 pages US paperback
  • 978-0-916356-80-4

The monastic disciples of Ramakrishna varied widely in their personalities.
Their education ranged from college degrees to one disciple who couldn't even read or write . Yet all developed and realized their inner divinity through the magic touch of their guru.

Swami Chetanananda has gathered in his usual readable style the biographies of these disciples. Much of the material has not appeared before in English.

This book is a companion to the book They Lived with God, a collection of biographies of the lay disciples of Ramakrishna.

Global Rating: 5.00 from 2 reviews Write a review
Review By Mangala kini

God lived with them

When Swami Sarvapriyananda mentioned an incident from this book, I was immediately interested in reading about the different Swamis that had the good fortune of spending some time with Ramkrishna Paramhamsa. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book & it took me to the 1800’s & could picturize those days perfectly. The book is very well written & keeps us spellbound in each Swami’s life while reading. I pray to Ramkrishna Bhagwan to bless all with Bhakti & give everyone an opportunity to read the book & derive Ananda the way I was blessed.
Jai Guru

Review By Sylvia Sotelo

God lived with them

This is like a bible to me. I read it over and over again. I love it.