  • Grace Divine
by the Editors of Ramakrishna Math

An anthology on the concept of Grace in Indian thought.

  • 236 pages, Indian paperback
$4.95 $2.95
This collection of various Indian teachers' thoughts on Grace is itself a gift from the authors included within. The twenty chapters include essays on the concept of Grace as seen in the Upanishads, the Ramayana and the Gita, as well how Grace figures in the philosophies of Advaita, Saiva Siddhanta, Samkhya Yoga, the Aazhvaars,Karma, and the yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Also included are two chapters on Grace in Christian theology and the Spanish mystics.

Contributors include: Sri Ramakrishna, Swamis Vivekananda, Sarvagatananda, Prabuddhananda, Brahmeshananda as well as many lay thinkers.
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Review By Artemis

The Grace Divine Book

All my life I've been looking thirstily for descriptions of the Divine Grace. A thirst that was slightly quenched by small passages I have found here and there in different spiritual writings and also in Vivekananda's work on Bhakti Yoga ( a book I have carried on me everywhere I went).

Having found The Grace Divine published by the President of Sri Ramakrishna Math is the epitome of a lifelong quest.

Tears of joy are flowing and a Great Love for God grows in my heart every night while reading it.