  • How to Be a Yogi
by Swami Abhedananda

Swami Abhedananda explains the laws, principles and methods of yoga practice, based on the teachings of Patanjali.

  • 183 pages Indian hardback
  • 978-9380568-22-5

Swami Abhedananda explains the laws, principles and methods of yoga practice, based on the teachings of Patanjali. Includes chapter "Was Christ a Yogi?"

The book consists of the author's lectures given at the turn of the century, mostly in the US. In his time, Swami Adhedananda would attract some 4000 people to his lectures in New York.

For a complete list of books by Swami Abhedananda please click here.
Global Rating: 4.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By Carlos Quinones

How To Be A Yogi

This book is a great introduction into the practice of yoga. It teaches the basics as well as some of the easier forms of practice. Very Good.