
How to Shape the Personality: Exploring the Dimensions of Building Up a Healthy Personality

  • How to Shape the Pesonality
A Vedanta Kesari Presentation

How to Develop a Healthy Personality.

  • 352 pages, Indian paperback
  • 978-81-7823-550-9
Swami Vivekananda expressed clearly his idea that the key to all progress and development is personality development. What's needed is the creation of men and women full of noble virtues, including sincerity, unselfishness and purity of heart.

The essays are from mostly monastic contributors, including Swami Vivekananda, who have been actively involved in teaching and implementing different aspects of Personality Development.

Sample of Titles from the Table of Contents:
Shaping the personality
Integrating the Personality
Profile of a Perfect Person
Building a Healthy Personality
Parent's Role in Molding Children's Personality
Developing the Personality to Face Life

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