
Invitation to Holy Company: Being the Memoirs of Ten Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna

(1 reviews)
  • Invitation to Holy Company: Being the Memoirs of Ten Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna
by Swami Jnanatmananda
translated from the Bengali by J.N. Dey

The author associated with many of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna and gives in this book his reminiscences.

  • 115 pages Indian paperback
  • 81-7823-383-5

The author associated with many of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna and gives in this book his reminiscences of the men who changed his life with their wonderful spirituality. He writes, "I had the rare good fortune to sit at their feet and enjoy their holy company."

The following are the Swamis he writes about:
Sw. Premananda
Sw. Turyananda
Sw. Brahmananda
Sw. Shivananda
Sw. Saradananda
Sw. Abhedananda
Sw. Akhandananda
Sw. Subhodananda
Sw. Adbhutananda

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A Smooth Read

Swami Jnanatmananda was typical of many Bengali educated young men in 1915 in that he rebelled against the British occupation of India. Before he joined the Ramakrishna Order in 1920, he placed politics before religion. His religious inclinations were awakened, however, by the holy company of ten direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna: (1) Swami Premananda (2) Swami Turiyananda (3) Swami Brahmananda (4) Swami Sivananda (5) Swami Saradananda (6) Swami Abhedananda (7) Swami Vijnananda (8) Swami Akhandananda (9) Swami Subodhananda and (10) Swami Adbhutananda. The book was later translated from Bengali to English. This 131 page book is a smooth read with biographical and evaluative sketches beginning each chapter. The meetings and conversations are natural and the author is self-effacing and humble.