
Learning Listening Loving: The Life of Swami Siddheshwarananda

(2 reviews)
  • Learning, Listening, Loving: The Biography of Swami Siddheswarananda
by Swami Yogeshananda

A biography of a beloved swami and disciple of Swami Brahmananda.

  • 198 pages, U.S. paperback
  • 978-0-87481-340-1

Swami Siddheshwarananda was a remarkable figure from many points of view. Long after Swami Vivekananda’s visit to Paris in 1900, he took up the work of spreading the message of Vedanta in France and Europe shortly before World War II, mastering the French language in the process and endearing himself to a number of eminent intellectual figures. He founded the Centre Vedantique Ramakrishna in Gretz near Paris, and lectured and wrote on a wide variety of topics, always with freshness and originality.

—Steven F. Walker, Professor of Comparative Literature, Rutgers University

Click on the link to see a collection of photographs of the swami during his era in France.

Swami Siddheshwarananda is the author of:
Metaphysical Intuition and
Meditation According to Yoga-Vedanta

Global Rating: 3.50 from 2 reviews Write a review
Review By Michael BLACK

Life of Swami Siddheshwarananda

Not too impressive. No originial research. Nothing in the book information-wise that I hadn't already been aware of...

Review By Shelley Brown

An Inspiring Story--don't miss it!

A unique and most welcome biography of a one of the great swamis who pioneered Vedanta in the West. The Swami became a fluent speaker of French, where he also held classes at the Sorbonne--brilliant, scholarly, yet the ideal sadhu who connected with grace and humility to everyone he encountered. Those who have long admired his writings in English, such as "Meditation According to Yoga-Vedanta," will find this biography a fascinating companion.