Teachings on the nature of the mind and ways of controlling it according to Vedanta and Yoga.
- 128 pages, Indian paperback
- 81-7505-034-9
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- Reviews
Control fo the mind is a very interesting inner game.If you have a sportsman's attitude you will thoroughly enjoy it, even when apparently losing. In the playing, this game takes a great deal of skill, alertness, sense of humor, goodness of heart, sense of strategy,patience, and some heroic flair which makes it [possible not to get disheartened in the face of a hunrdered failures
The mind CAN be brought under control, if a person practices the steps outlined in the book.
This little book will provide much food for thought in the quest for peace.
This little book is life changing! It will be used and studied frequently! I never imagined such great information would be within this little book!
incense & pamplet
Very valuable document, purchased as a gift to my daughter
An EXCELLENT book on the subject. If you read Gujarati 'MAN teno NIGRAH' translation published by Shree RAMKRISHNA Ashram Rajkot is an EXCELLENT book also.
Mind and Its Control
Very informative book. It breaks down the method for gaining more control over the "monkey" mind. It teaches how to use the mind to control the mind.
The Mind and Its Control
This book is wonderfully detailed in its study of how to control what seems uncontrollable - the mind. Swami Budhananda goes into detail about subduing the restlessness which we all deal with. He writes about the right kind of thinking as a start, and then giving up attachment for pleasure. Steadfast awareness of the Divine is very important - focus and mindfulness are the tools. Even though this short with small 123 pages, it is successful in its goal.