
Narada's Way of Divine Love: The Bhakti Sutras

(3 reviews)
  • Narada's Way of Divine Love: The Bhakti Sutras
by the sage Narada
Translation with commentary by Swami Prabhavananda
  • 179 pages, US paperback
  • 978-0-87481-054-7

Narada is one of the great exponents of Bhakti Yoga. He explains that the path of devotion is the easiest way to attain God, for it is a path of love. Narada further explains what love is and how it leads us to God.

This book is a suggested study guide and companion to the cassette series of the lectures series by Swami Prabhavananda on the Narada Sutras.

Note: This edition does not include the Sanskrit text

You can also download MP3 files of the classes that formed the book.

Global Rating: 3.67 from 3 reviews Write a review
Review By Carlos Quinones

Narasa's Way of Divine Love: The Bhakti Sutras.

Beautiful and Easy to read. Powerfully Spiritual.

Review By Eddie

Beautiful Book

Very nice, Speedy delivery, thank you so much! Beautifully written and informative.

Review By Bjorn Johansson

Narada’s Way of Divine Love: The Bhakti Sutras

Love and knowledge are synonymous here. And everybody can expand the heart, identifying more and more with the divine within all, and then coming to know that all is one, that is knowledge.
Citing Shankara (p.128): ”O noble soul, this is how you must pass your days — see the Atman everywhere, enjoy the bliss of the Atman, fix your thought upon Atman, the one without a second.”