
Sri Ramakrishna in the Eyes of Brahmo and Christian Admirers

(1 reviews)
  • Sri Ramakrishna in the Eyes of Brahmo and Christian Admirers
Edited by Nanda Mookerjee

An anthology of reminiscences of Sri Ramakrishna by Brahmo and Christian admirers.

  • 141 pages, Indian paperback
  • 81-87332-57-3
Here is a book of special historical interest to devotees of Ramakrishna.

As Sri Ramakrishna became well-known in Calcutta, a number of visitors appeared who wrote about their experiences for others. This included Keshab Chandra Sen, the founder of the Brahmo Samaj and P.C. Mozoomdar. Later accounts are also included by such Westerners as the writer Romain Rolland and historian Arnold Toynbee.
Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By Patrick Gleason

A gem

Such a unique take on Ramakrishna that made him more real to me. It showed a humanity to him that shows how integrated he was spiritually.