
Reminiscences of Swami Brahmananda: The Mind-Born Son of Sri Ramakrishna

(2 reviews)
  • Reminiscences of Swami Brahmananda
by, Brahmachari Akshayachaitanya
translated by Swami Bhaskarananda

A collection of memories of Swami Brahmananda by men and women from all walks of life.

  • 265 pages, Indian paperback
  • 978-81-7823-4229
Swami Brahmananda was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the first president of the Ramakrishna Order. He left behind a rich legacy of how to live a spiritually vibrant life. His lofty state of mind, practical wisdom, and deep love and sympathy for all those who came into contact with him are a legend in the Ramakrishna tradition.

This book contains nuggets of reminiscences, anecdotes, incidents, teachings, conversations and suggestions of Swami Brahmananda recorded by both monastic and lay members who were fortunate enough to be in his presence.  The memories recorded give the reader an inside look at what it was to be in the presence of a person with a powerful spiritual presence.

For other titles by and about Swami Brahmananda, please click here
Global Rating: 5.00 from 2 reviews Write a review
Review By Gerard Jameson

Reminiscences of Swami Brahmananda: The Mind-Born Son of Sri Ramakrishna

Review By Harry Kiakis

reminiscences of Swami Brahmananda

This small paperback is filled with detailed information about the Swami. For instance, he could read the thoughts of all those around him. A simple, humble man, he was adept in calming the monks heard arguing, by using almost diplomatic means. Ramakrishna was certainly correct in choosing him as his replacement.