  • Sanskrit English Dictionary
by Monier-Williams

A major reference work for the Sanskrit student and scholar. Same content as now out of print Oxford Edition. Over 180,000 Sanskrit words

  • 1,333 pages, Large hardback Indian edition
  • (retail only)

A major reference work for the Sanskrit student and scholar. Same content as the out-of-print Oxford Edition. Over 180,000 Sanskrit words in Devanagri script. Includes transliteration. The dictionary is organized in the order of the Sanskrit Alphabet. You must be able to derive the root form of the verb and the unconjugated form of the noun for successful use of this reference work.

The dictionary is best suited for someone who is learning Sanskrit as a language.

For that use, we suggest Brief Dictionary of Hinduism, a small  reference book.

If you really want an extensive book on the subject with over 1000 pages, see the three-volume work by Swami Harshananda, A Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism.

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Review By hong cho

Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Today just before your book is arrived
Thanks for and I am sorry what i have done yesterday complaint about delay related

Thanks again

dharma respects
