
Story of an Epoch: Swami Virajananda and His Times

(1 reviews)
  • Story of an Epoch - Swami Virajananda and His Times
by Swami Shraddhananda

The life and teachings of Swami Virajananda, the sixth president of the Ramakrishna Order.

  • 305 pages, Indian paperback
  • 81-7120-517-8
Swami Virajananda may not be well known, but he was a fascinating and inspiring individual who was the first person to join the monastery after the founding original disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. They were all poor, living in a haunted house, yet they overflowed with spiritual fervor and enthusiasm. 
He freely associated with such great souls as Swamis Brahmananda,  Vivekananda, Turiyananda, Premananda, Saradananda.
Regarding Swami Vivekananda, Swami Virajananda recounts his impressions the first time he saw him:

"His eyes were captivating, just as the American newspapers had said. Light appeared to emanate from his entire body. What a charming figure - combining beauty and power, a nonchalant air and a dazzling personality! My first reactions were love, devotion, and a sense of fear."

For other titles by or about Swami Virajananda please click here.
Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Add your review of this product
Review By Gerard Jameson

Story of an Epoch: Swami Virajananda and His Times