
Three Systems of Vedanta: An Introduction

(2 reviews)
  • Three Systems of Vedanta: An Introduction
by Swami Harshananda

A succinct and effective overview of the main systems of Vedantic thought.

  • 64 pages, Indian paperback booklet
  • 978-81-7883-704-8
Vedanta is considered to be the epitome of Indian philosophical thought. However, many are unaware that Vedanta is comprised of many systems, three being most popular. This booklet by Swami Harshananda, a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order, gives a succinct, yet effective overview of the three main systems of Vedantic thought.

The book is divided into the following sections:

Advaita Vedanta Darsana
Visistadvaita Vedanta Darsana
Dvaita Vedanta Darsana

A good introduction for the serious student.

Global Rating: 5.00 from 2 reviews Write a review
Review By Mary McGann

3 systems of Vedanta

Very informative. Interesting. I appreciate what it is telling me but it is a little dry to read. I had to absorb it in short reads. But this could just be my understanding and absorption of the material. Not necessarily the authors words.

Review By Dev Patel

Great reference

It gives good, basic understanding of the 3 key systems- Adaivta, Vishista-Adaivta, and Dvaita. Important literature works within these 3 systems are also listed. It is relatively short and meant to be an effective summary of these 3 main systems.