
Totapuri - Vedantic Teacher of Sri Ramakrishna

  • Totapuri - Vedantic Teacher of Sri Ramakrishna
by Debashish Chittaranjan Roy

A book about a teacher of Sri Ramakrishna, and other interesting people and events.

  • 284 pages, Indian paperback
  • 978-93-6076-222-3
$20.95 $9.95
Totapuri was not Sri Ramakrishna’s only teacher, but he was an important one. Born in 1780 of pious Hindu parents, Totapuri was sent to a monastery at the age of five. Called Nangta “the naked one” by Ramakrishna, Totapuri is said to have practiced Sadhana in a secluded forest on the banks of the sacred Narmada and attained the Nirivikalpa Samadhi after rigid discipline extending over 40 years. Under his guidance, Sri Ramakrishna was initiated into the sacred order of sanyasa and attained Nirvikalpa Samadhi, the highest Advaitic experience established by Adi Shankaracharya.

This is an unusual book: part biography, part an account of the author’s pilgrimage to sacred places, part musings on various topics, and the author’s grasp of English grammar is a little shaky. We thought, however, that there is enough interesting information in the book to make it worth our while to offer the book to devotees of Vedanta. For a limited time, we offer the book at half the retail price.
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