  • Vivekananda: A Biography
by Swami Nikhilananda

A classic biography of Swami Vivekananda, by the founder of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New York.

  • 216 pages US paperback
  • 0-911206-25-6

Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) was a well-known figure in intellectual and religious circles in America around the turn of the century. He was in effect the first cultural ambassador of India to the West, and the builder of the spiritual bridge connecting the two hemispheres.

The book includes twenty-eight photographs and an appendix containing some of the swami's most important statements on religion and philosophy.

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Review By Abhi

A great biography

This biography is perhaps one of the best Vivekananda biographies out there. Although there are only 216 pages, there is a lot of information. The font is not large like other books. At some parts of the book, there is some very complex vocabulary usage. Just use the dictionary to look up the necessary words. There is also a appendix in the back that will tell you how to practice Vedanta. In addition, the glossary in the back can help you to decipher Sanskrit or foreign words. Pros: A good deal of information about Vivekananda A number of pictures A informative appendix A useful glossary Cons: Complex vocabulary at some parts